The Accountant | Action Movie Anatomy

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#TheAccountant #ActionMovieAnatomy #AMA #ActionIndustires
In honor of this week’s release of “THE WAY BACK”, Ben and Andrew are breaking down another Gavin O’Connor film starring Ben Affleck called “The Accountant”. Join Ben and Andrew they share their thesis’ on the film, their fist pump moments, their favorite quotes, and breakdown star profiles for the cast! Christian Wolff (Ben Affleck) is a mathematics savant with more affinity for numbers than people. Using a small-town CPA office as a cover, he makes his living as a freelance accountant for dangerous criminal organizations. With a Treasury agent (J.K. Simmons) hot on his heels, Christian takes on a state-of-the-art robotics company as a legitimate client. As Wolff gets closer to the truth about a discrepancy that involves millions of dollars, the body count starts to rise. @Action Industries @benbatemanmedia @andrewghai Make sure to subscribe to Popcorn Talk! –
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