Robert Pattinson’s Not Working Out and Superman II Discussion! | DC Movie News

Episode Description:
BIG SHOW ON TODAY’S DC MOVIE NEWS…. Robert Pattinson isn’t working out during Quarantine and people are mad? Dark details emerge from a planned BVS from early 2000s, DC comics readership is up, and did the CW just SAVE “Swamp Thing”?! Stay tuned for a discussion on revisiting Christopher Reeve’s of “SUPERMAN II”!
Join Roxy Striar, Mikey “Christmas” Kalinowski, Adam Gertler, AND… is it a bird? a plane??? it’s….. IT’S…………… you’ll have to watch and FIND OUT! @Roxy Striar @AdamGertler @MikeKalinowski @DCMovieNewsLIVE @thePopcornTalk
Audio Podcast

ON THIS WEEK’S D.C. M.O.V.I.E. N.E.W.S… the new Batwoman has been cast and it’s Javicia Leslie!!!! ALSO there were talks/weren’t any talks about an extended cut to Batman Forever. We get a better look at the Wonder Woman 1984 Olympics imagery AND more details around The Snyder Cut!!!!
Hosts: Roxy Striar, Adam Gertler, Jonny Loquasto, and Mike Kalinowski assemble!
@RoxyStriar @MikeKalinowski_ @AdamGertler @JonQuasto @RyNilsen
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